A user posted a 35,000 Character Tweet
Recently twitter changed its tweet character limit from 140 to 240. But can you believe about a 35,000 character tweet. Yes ! It is possible. A massive essay like tweet has been posted in twitter recently.
@Timrasett and @HackneyYT these two users posted a 35,000 character tweet on twitter. Soon after seeing this, twitter banned both of these two users. But the tweet already get stored in the internet archieve and twitter officially lifted the temporary ban on these two users.
But how it is possible? The twitter user has posted that the twitter post area is nothing but a URL. And twitter counts it as a single character. To post a long tweet you need to do some simple tricks. Type ''www.'' followed by endless character you want, and then end it with a ''.cc'' or any kind of extension that matter.
But before applying this method think twice. Because twitter officials can ban your account.
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