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Doing online Shopping? Beware of fraud!

Are you using E-commerce site for online shopping? or Using Netbanking Service? And if you are addicted on these you need to aware of these techniques. Or else your hard earned money could gone to other's hand. We know as the use of digital currency is increasing, scams are also increasing by same rate.

Now see what rules you should follow while using e-commerce websites-

Wheather you are using netbanking or ATM's never use your own date of birth, or your's bestie's date of birth or any easily guessable name or character in your password.

Social media or Mobile phones never share your password with anyone. Wheather he/she is is close one, but remember password is your personal things.

Don't click on links comes from unknown person or organizations. Most of the times these links contain malware or spamware, that can steal your important information.

If anyone asking for your PAN or AAdhaar number through email never reply on these. Remember government organizations never ask for your Pan or Credit card number through phone calls or mails.

You need to know which E-commerce sites you are using is secure or not. Or else at the time of moneytory transaction you need to face many complexities. At first check the address bar conatins ''https'' or not. If only ''htttp'' contain then the site is not secure. Also a lock sign will apear at the left side of address bar indicating that the site is safe.

If you think there is any unusual activity with your account, report it to your bank authority or take help from cyber police.

Try to avoid using public wifi for personal transaction. Instead use your own device.

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